Nowadays, Divorce is a ubiquitous word used by couples who want separation. If the spouses are unhappy with their marital relationship or for any personal reason, they file for Divorce in court. After filing in the court, the legal process starts between the couples where they provide their financial details, personal life details, wealth, children (if any), and the reason for separation. 

If the court confirms the separation order, you are eligible to get your official divorce statement, which is your divorce record. If you are in Washington and want your Divorce record, you can search on Washington state divorce record.

Importance of Having Your State Divorce Record:

Divorce records are evidence that you have already terminated your marital status, and they are the final agreements made official in the court.

  • Your separation is legal and authorized.
  • Changing your maiden name on different certificates.
  • If you want to marry someone again, then you might need
  • to show your divorce records to renew your marital status with someone else.
  • If you are already separated from your spouse but still being harassed by your former spouse or third party, you can take official actions against them by showing your divorce record in court.
  • The divorce record contains all the information regarding your alimony, child care support(if any), and financial information like banks and your property. So, in the future, if your former spouse refuses to support you according to the court agreements, then you can file a case against them based on your records.

Hence, it’s a strong evidence in the court as well as for any legal purposes you use.

Why You Should Get a Divorce Record Copy and Seal it

As the divorce record contains critical elements, you must ensure that they are kept safely and shouldn’t fall into the wrong hands. You must take responsibility for having copies of your records. 

If you have lost them or cannot find them, request the court for a new copy of your decree where the Divorce had taken place. Ensure that you get a certified copy, or it will be rejected if you want to marry again or for other legal purposes.

The divorce records are publicly available, but if you want to secure them for your privacy, you can ask the court to seal your documents so they won’t be open to the public. At Least either or both of the partners can ask the court to grant this permission.