Your life can turn upside down after a traffic mishap. While such accidents happen often in Houston, some are more devastating than others. Texas has a fault-based system, and if another driver caused the accident, you can sue them to recover compensation. The first step is to file an insurance claim with their carrier. No matter the situation, it is wise to have legal counsel, and if you are wondering whether a Houston Car Accident Attorney is right for you, here are some signs to check.

  • They have excellent ratings: Finding injury lawyers through online directories is relatively easy, but with numerous options, choosing one can be a hassle. Instead of relying on things mentioned on websites of law firms, look for online ratings and reviews. If a lawyer has great feedback from most clients, you know they are capable of delivering on their words.
  • They are compassionate: A qualified accident attorney will never charge you to review the case. Free consultations are pretty standard, but a better way of judging a lawyer is to see their approach. Did they answer your questions? Were they empathic about your situation? It would help if you had someone who is compassionate and will take the time to listen to you.
  • They are forthcoming about fees and expenses: Injury lawyers work on contingency, which means they don’t get the typical hourly rate but a share of the settlement after recovering money for clients. If you consulted an accident attorney who was open and upfront about their fees and shared the costs that you must cover, you can trust this to be a transparent relationship.
  • They don’t force you to settle: Your lawyer’s role is to get the maximum compensation possible, and therefore, they shouldn’t try to settle the case as soon as possible. If you like the attorney’s attitude of trying all means and ways, go ahead and hire them.
  • They have trial experience: While not very common, car accident lawsuits can end up before a jury, and in such situations, you need an accident attorney who can be your advocate. If the lawyer has trial experience, it is always a great indicator of their expertise.

Not to miss, you should check whether the lawyer is communicative. They should share details of their office and must offer an easy way to get updates from the staff. Call an attorney as soon as you get hurt or involved in a crash.