Life can be pretty unpredictable. And when a maritime accident does occur, it becomes pretty clear the importance of working with a professional maritime lawyer. Maritime attorneys are highly-trained and experienced professionals that can represent you in these situations. They know the local laws, regulations, presumptions, and other considerations that significantly affect your case. Having an experienced attorney represent you makes all the difference in obtaining a favorable result.

  1. If You Suffer Injuries While On Duty as A Seaman

Many people know that they might need to work with a lawyer if they suffer injuries at work or in some other setting. However, not everyone is aware of how a maritime attorney can help. If you suffer injuries while working as a seaman in the United States, you may be entitled to maintenance and cure. The benefit is in the Jones Act, and its purpose is to protect injured seamen while they’re out of work. You can get your claim approved right away by informing yourself and knowing your rights through Austin maritime lawyer.

If you suffer injuries while working in marine environments, you may be entitled to maintenance and cure. Maritime law is complicated, and it’s risky to try to navigate it without the guidance of an experienced maritime attorney. Because you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, don’t risk hiring a lawyer who will not correctly fight for the money you need to pay related medical expenses.

  1. Accidents in International Waters, and You Want to Know Your Rights

The same rules do not govern international waters as domestic waters.  Even though vessels have nationalities and crew members have passports, there is no legal jurisdiction if an accident occurs in international waters. Consequently, maritime attorneys, who are experts in this field, can represent clients who suffer injuries on a vessel without a U.S. flag or citizenship status in the U.S.

Accidents can happen in international waters, as they’re less governed than others. This area has been more recently affected due to the increase in fishing and tourism boats going out into oceans. However, it’s essential to know the laws regarding high seas’ accidents and your rights as a seaman. As a seaman, you may end up facing legal charges because of an accident or emergency while on the high sea, thus the need to know more about maritime law by contacting a professional maritime lawyer.

  1. If You Need to File a Maritime Claim

There are many reasons you may need to work with a maritime attorney. You may have incurred injuries and need compensation for your injuries suffered at sea or a crew member needing to file a workers’ compensation claim. Or, you may be a victim of piracy and need legal help to recover lost wages or stolen money.

In such a case, an experienced maritime lawyer is of great assistance to help you make a maritime claim. Maritime attorneys have expertise in maritime laws and regulations, which means they will be able to represent your case much better than a regular attorney would. Maritime attorneys also know the specific issues that surround marine transportation.

  1. In Case of Contracts Involving Vessels

A maritime attorney can help you identify contractual issues, which could affect any insurance claims you may need to make in the event of an accident on the water. Maritime attorneys know the ins and outs of the shipping industry. You need this background knowledge when handling maritime contracts and vessel owners because of the various regulations involved in providing these contracts.

A good maritime lawyer can also protect you from liability issues regarding the safety factor when transporting merchandise and crew, ensuring everything from lifeboats, crew requirements, navigation equipment, and medical facilities. If you have any questions about your case or how you may need a maritime attorney, contact the experts at Schechter Shaffer and Harris.

  1. In Case of Loses as A Result of Negligence of Boat Owners

If you incur injuries because of the negligence of boat owners, you are likely entitled to maintenance and cure compensation. Maintenance and Cure Maritime attorney can help recover damages sustained and provide you with peace of mind knowing that your cause is just and fair.


Suppose you need assistance with maritime contract law, partnership law, or personal injury cases caused by maritime accidents. In that case, you may find that a maritime lawyer can provide the legal help that you need. Maritime attorneys can offer assistance on all kinds of laws that apply to workers within the industry, such as hiring and onboarding employees, hiring crew members for work at sea, and seeking maintenance and Care compensation by the seamen. They can also lend their expertise to insurance policies and vessel maintenance and safety.