When you experience a slip and fall accident, it could lead to life-altering injuries. In such situations, paying the hospital bills might not seem so much fun, and you would want the property owner held responsibly. This requires getting the best slip and fall lawyer Denver provides to represent you in court. The next question usually is if a slip and fall accident could lead to a lawsuit; the answer to that is yes. If a hazard exists on someone’s property and you get insulted due to the hazard, you can sue such property owner. To help you determine if going for a slip and fall lawsuit is right, keep reading.

Pros of a Lawsuit

You get to enjoy several benefits when you file for a slip and fall lawsuit, and below are some of them.

  • Funds: This is usually the main reason many people pursue a slip and fall lawsuit. There are chances of monetary awards being available as a reward for damages and losses incurred. After surviving a slip and fall accident, you might be in dire need of funds. If you incurred huge expenses due to your injury and couldn’t work, the best slip and fall lawyer Denver offers can help you get compensation for your losses. These losses include both economic and non-economic losses.
  • Help Prevent Other Injuries: While most people think the only benefit to be enjoyed in a slip and fall lawsuit is money, it goes beyond. Property owners tend to learn from lawsuits and will fix the problem to prevent such hazardous injuries from happening again. This will help protect others who stand a chance of having the same experience that you have. This way, no one gets to experience the pain and suffering you had to go through.

Cons of Slip and Fall Lawsuits

While there are benefits to be enjoyed when you file a slip and lawsuits, there are also downsides that you should take note of, and some of them are:

  • They’re pricey: You might be getting a huge compensation at the end, but you will have to spend lots of money. Filing complaints, getting witnesses, court reporters, copying, and mailing documents are all unavoidable expenses that could cost you lots of money. When the expenses are removed from the compensation, you will need to pay your lawyer due to the contingency fee agreement.
  • Time-Consuming: Even with the best slip and fall lawyer Denver offers, lawsuits don’t get resolved overnight. It takes months or up to a year to resolve, and the expenses will keep piling up. Most litigants complain about the time it takes to resolve disputes. The worst part is, there is no way to tell if it will end in your favor.

Is a Lawsuit Worth It All?

Many things could happen when you slip and fall. If it a simple bruised knee or a sprained ankle, it may not be worth it all. However, serious injuries like a broken arm or a back injury could lead to a large medical bill and probably cause you days at work. In times like these, a lawsuit might be worth all the stress.