Typically, hiring a longshoreman attorney is not the first option for injured dockworkers or their families. Many eventually give in and secure legal representation out of sheer desperation or lack of knowledge about where to turn next. Before you commit to hiring a particular lawyer, certain factors should be taken into consideration first.

You Will Need to Decide What Type of Services You Are Looking For

A longshoreman attorney may be able to handle any legal issue related to the industry somehow. Still, it may be best to find an attorney who specializes in your specific needs. If you have a dispute with another party over cargo during a maritime shipment, then hiring an attorney that specializes in commercial law would probably suit your situation better than finding a personal injury lawyer or someone who only deals with workers’ compensation claims. A general practice longshoreman attorney can still provide these types of services, but it is wise to consider this when making your decision, so you know what factors are most important for your case.

Do You Need an Attorney and Legal Representation?

Both attorneys and legal representation, like a paralegal or an assistant, can help with cases related to your industry. Make sure that the hire is someone who works well under pressure, deals with deadlines easily, and has experience in your particular area of law. You don’t want to find yourself without adequate legal assistance when you need it most.

How Experienced Is the Longshoreman Attorney?

Experience is important because it tells you how much knowledge this person will have about other cases similar to yours or any statutes or regulations that might apply to your situation. If someone lacks experience and does not research extensively before representing his client, then both may be at a disadvantage in the trial process.

What Type of Longshoreman Attorney Will Be Involved?

You may want to hire an individual lawyer, or you could go with a large firm that has several locations throughout your state or country. Although larger firms usually offer more resources, they can also charge more for their services. Think about what you are looking for in terms of size and location before making this decision. If you are mainly concerned with cost, then speak to an attorney who works on his own so he can give you a better idea of how much the work will cost.

Will The Longshoreman Attorney Charge by The Hour?

Fees vary depending on where solicitors practice and how many years of experience they have. Some attorneys, especially those who work with a larger firm, will charge by the hour. Others may take cases on a contingency fee basis where the lawyer only gets paid if he wins or settles your case. If you cannot pay for legal services upfront, taking this route would be best.

Ask Whether or Not the Longshoreman Attorney Has Been Involved in a Similar Litigation?

This is an important factor to consider because it would impact how skillful and knowledgeable he is about your specific area of law. One of the most efficient ways to find a good longshoreman attorney is through word-of-mouth referrals from people in your professional community or members who have had dealings with him in the past.

Will The Longshoreman Attorney Provide a Free Consultation?

It is important to remember that an attorney cannot give you a good idea of your case or what he will charge without meeting with you either in person or over the phone. Only after he can assess your needs can he provide accurate information about his services and fees. Make sure you ask if there is a fee for this initial consultation before going any further, so you know upfront what costs to expect.

Many of the longshoreman work injuries are severe. Thus, lawsuits are filed all the time. The lawyers who help longshoremen with these cases are crucial, regardless of whether they win or lose.

