Criminal charges often mean harsh penalties. From hefty fines to prison terms, criminal convictions are life-changing. No matter how straightforward your case may be, never settle for a serious penalty. You should get in touch with a criminal defense attorney who can fight for your constitutional rights and help reduce your punishment. Your attorney will be your advocate, representative, guide, and protector. By reaching out to them following an arrest or charge, you can increase your chances of securing a favorable outcome in your case. Here’s what you can expect from your defense counsel:

Investigate Your Case

After a defense lawyer takes on your case, they will investigate it to find loopholes they could use to negotiate a reduced sentence or help you avoid a conviction. This investigation includes reviewing evidence, speaking with the police and witnesses, and gathering information about your case. Also, they will look into the case of the prosecution against you to find opportunities to improve your defense.

Engage and Deal with Investigators

To get essential information that can be used in your defense, your attorney may need to work with private investigators. These investigators can help locate people who have witnessed the alleged criminal activity and establish reasonable doubt in your case. For instance, they can reveal mistakes that the arresting police officer has made or look for missed evidence.

Take Care of Legal Paperwork

Criminal cases involve a significant amount of paperwork. While you collect, fill out, and file documents, you could make mistakes that might compromise your defense. But a lawyer can take care of related documents, ensuring no mistakes can jeopardize your case. Also, they will keep track of legal deadlines while preparing all relevant paperwork with the utmost accuracy.

Provide an Objective Perspective

If you are like many defendants in criminal cases, you may not be aware of all your options. You might be hoping for an outcome that is not realistic or planning for serious punishment. If you have been charged with a crime, you could easily misunderstand the situation. An attorney is aware of how the criminal law works in your case. They can help you make informed decisions and know what to expect from your case. They can review your situation objectively. 

Negotiate with Prosecutors

An attorney can reduce your possible penalty by negotiating with the prosecution for a deal. If this works for your situation, they can use their expertise to negotiate a plea bargain and get your sentence reduced.