Injuries and accidents can occur in many places. An injury can quickly happen at your home and the workplace if appropriate measures are not taken. Precautions and safety measures can significantly reduce the occurrence of damage. 

It will be beneficial if you stay aware of the common causes of pedestrian accidents. You can prevent a pedestrian accident by being aware of these instances. Besides prevention, it will also be helpful for you to contact the Law Office of James T. Ponton, LLC, if you need to build a legal case against the defendant for causing injuries and the accident. 

Common causes behind pedestrian accidents:

  • Yield

Feeling to yield the right of way is one of the most common reasons behind several pedestrian accidents. The terms “right of way” means the legal right of a pedestrian or motorist to proceed with precedence in a particular location. For example, suppose the traffic signal allows a pedestrian to move to the crosswalk. In that case, any motorist must allow pedestrians to cross the road before driving to the intersection or crosswalk area.

Neglect to yield the right of way can likely occur when the pedestrian or driver engages in a traffic violation by moving without giving precedence to each other. A pedestrian accident could occur if a car or a bike does not yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk. 

  • Careless activity

Playing, lying, standing, or working in a roadway can increase the chances of a pedestrian accident. A driver can face difficulties avoiding an accident with a pedestrian lingering or standing on the road. Pedestrians who are careless and inactive to be aware of the situation on the road might be held responsible for the accident. 

In the case of workers, drivers’ negligence can be deadly. Each worker must wear visible gear and place appropriate science on the road that alerts other drivers of their presence. Similarly, drivers must account for extra precautions when driving around a work site on the road.

  • Visibility

Poor visibility is one of the significant causes of pedestrian accidents. Many factors can reduce visibility on the road. As a result, reduced visibility can lead a driver into an accident with pedestrians. Poor visibility can range from poor headlights on a vehicle, bright lights shining in a pedestrian’s eyes, objects or vehicles on the side of the road, pedestrians wearing dark clothes at night, etc. 

Responsibility for the accident might fall on pedestrians, motorists, or other parties when poor visibility is the cause of the accident. You should contact the Law Office of James T. Ponton, LLC, in case you need legal assistance in dealing with a pedestrian accident due to poor visibility. 
